Thursday, November 15, 2012

Full interviews for Reference


Club: KVRX 
Major: Radio-Television-Film 
Did anyone help you decide which (if any) organization(s) you are in?

What were some of the factors that helped you decide to join an organization? 
Love for music. 
What do you think some of the pros are about being in a club? 
Meeting people with similar interests.
Are you active in your club? 
Did you feel any pressure that you had to be a part of some kind of organization? 
Are in that that club because you want to be in it or because you feel you have to be in it? 
I wanted to be in it. 
Would you joining a club more aimed at getting involved or for credentials when you enter the real world? 
Also, were you/are you competing for a head position? No. 


Club: KVRX
Major: Radio-Television-Film
Did anyone help you decide which (if any) organization(s) you are in?
What were some of the factors that helped you decide to join an organization? 
People and what you can do. 
What do you think some of the pros are about being in a club? 
Get to meet a lot of like minded people.
Are you active in your club? 

Are you apart of any other clubs? 

Yes. TSTV.
Why did you join KVRX? 

I like music, learning about it, and developing technical skills.
Did you feel any pressure that you had to be a part of some kind of organization? 

I guess so. If you don’t join a club you need them on resumes and stuff.
If so, was this pressure caused by the university's want for its students to be a part of a club? 

Universities in general. I have been hearing about it since high school.
Are you in that club because you want to be in it or because you feel you have to be in it? 

I wanted to be in them.
Would you joining a club more aimed at getting involved or for credentials when you enter the real world? 

Getting involved.
Also, were you/are you competing for a head position? 



Club: UFA
Major: Radio-Television-Film
Did anyone help you decide which (if any) organization(s) you are in?  
No. I was just interested from the start. Noe Gonzalez influenced me.
What were some of the factors that helped you decide to join an organization? 

Film club. Never had that in high school, so wanted to try out. Noe suggestion.
what do you think some of the pros are about being in a club? Meet new people with similar interests, focused on films, fun, and competitions.
Why did you join that club? 

Because it is interesting. It is the field I am interested in. Saw it as a good way to learn and fun to meet people and network.
Did you feel any pressure that you had to be a part of some kind of organization? 

If so, was this pressure caused by the university's want for its students to be a part of a club? 

It definitely is impacted by the university.
Are in that that club because you want to be in it or because you feel you have to be in it? A little bit of both.
Would joining a club be more aimed at getting involved or for credentials when you enter the real world?  

Getting involved.
Also, were you/are you competing for a head position? 

Probably. Most likely, yes.


Major: Journalism
Are you in a club?
Um… no
Why not?
Um I don’t know. This campus is just really big and overwhelming and I feel I just needed a semester to like feel this out and I’ll probably start doing clubs next semester.
Did you feel any pressure that you had to be apart of some kind of club?
Oh yeah, for sure. I always feel like when I tell people I’m not they kind of look like there is a judgment behind it you know. This isn’t a personal friend of mine but I know some people that are in 10 different clubs and I kinda feel like if your not a person who’s super social on this campus there is like a stigma behind it.
Do you feel that people are kinda like that or do you feel that the university wants you to join stuff?
I think it’s both. I think most of the opportunities on this campus are present through the clubs so if you don’t take advantage of them you’re kinda shooting yourself in the foot a little bit and I feel like people- it’s such a social campus that if you don’t engage in that I feel like people are like oh there’s a nerd or you know. I feel like it comes from both sides.


Major: Theatre and Dance major
Are in any clubs?
I’m in intramural volleyball.
Did you feel any pressure that you had to be apart of some kind of club?
So I kinda like- I  felt that I needed to  kinda sorta cause I haven’t done anything and I’m not very social social such as I don’t know you very well I’m not gonna talk to you so I felt that being part of intramural would maybe to thicken.. my horizons.
What are some pros and cons of being in that club?
Like a con is that they want to win a lot and it kinda dreads to have fun part but a pro is that even if we’re not winning you’re still having fun and you get to be around people with different personalities.
Are you active in your club?
Well yeah.
Do you think feel that your choice to join the club is a personal thing or do you feel like you kinda had to?
Personal. I didn’t feel pressured into doing anything.


Major: Undeclared, but wants to be a Biomedical Engineering major
Are you a part of any clubs or organizations?
I do some stuff with NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers).
What were some factors that helped you decide to join that organization?
I want to get into biomedical engineering and they’re black engineers so was hoping they would help me out.
What are some pros and cons of being in that?
Um… I’m not exactly that active in it so I don’t know the cons about it but the pros are we get to hang out and it’s a lot of fun and we get to like make friends who are in the same interest and the same major.
Since you’re not that active, what extent do you do participate?
I go to their like fun stuff. They have these outings where they go to like Austin Pizza and the jumping thing the trampoline place. The really fun stuff.
Do you think that your choice to be in that is personal or do you feel like you had to be part of a club or something?
Maybe a mix? Because if I felt I could get into the school without any help then I wouldn’t have joined the club but it’s such a hard place to get into that I needed help.


What school are you enrolled in? (i.e Communications, Ecology etc.)
Theater and Dance
Are you involved in any club/group/organization?
Tri Delta
Did anyone help you decide which (if any) organization(s) you are in?
If so, who?

My mom and dad really wanted me to join a Sorority because I’m not from here and they wanted to make sure I would have a support system in college. Like with friends and that kinda thing. But I got to decide which one to join.
What were some of the factors that helped you decide to join an organization?
What do you think some of the pros are about being in a club? Some of the cons?

Like I said above, the support system is really important. I have so many friends that I can rely on, and who are there for me. A big pro is the people I meet, and the networks I’m making. That’s the kind of thing that helps in finding a career, and for resumes and stuff. I guess a con is cost but my parents don’t mind. Its more important that I’m happy.
Are you active in your club? If not why? If you are, to what extent do you participate?
Yeah I do lots of stuff when I can.


What school are you enrolled in? (i.e Communications, Ecology etc.)
Are you involved in any club/group/organization?
Forever Texas (spirit group)
Did anyone help you decide which (if any) organization(s) you are in?
If so, who?

Yes, my friend Katie who said it was a lot of fun.
What were some of the factors that helped you decide to join an organization?
What do you think some of the pros are about being in a club? Some of the cons?

I decided to join because I wanted more girlfriends. Pros are always having someone to
hang out with and something to do. A con is that it can be very time consuming.
Are you active in your club? If not why? If you are, to what extent do you participate?
Yes, I participate as much as I can. I go to the meetings and as many sisterhood events as possible. I also volunteer with the group as well!

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